chillin, seeking H̷͔͈̒͌¥̴̤̼͒̾þ̴̱̘̌͌ế̴̳͙̚r̵͕̹͌̈́ cheeze

Sro @sro

Age 26

Wire Rat

Joined on 11/13/13

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sro's News

Posted by sro - September 8th, 2018

Big Thanks for the 50 follows on NG, but if you wanted more activity I'd suggest checking me out on twitter @SroSocial since that's where I mainly hang.

Now, did you notice the new Sro look? Sweet right? Drawn by my buddy Pengalo, he makes some sick art and has some sick t-shirts that you should check out on his INSTAGRAM! I got him to do Sro on a hunch and I'm very impressed, go tell him you dig it too.

Then theres new tracks... I've been trying to work with this indie label for awhile now but I'm still not sure if I should share a new album with them yet. They're like one of the only labels I've come across that won't mind having my sound on their roster, but also I'm like the only one in that label who makes these trippy ass sounds while everyone else does mostly jazz hop. Not sure if I'll attract the right crowd in that or not.

I'm in a few of their compilations, most recently their Summer one and it's garnered some attention. Bandcamp Link Spotify Tell me what you think my guy.

(((((FUTURE PLANS)))))

Helping out @GoodL in his new game, pretty sick idea with fun puzzles. Should be out on Newgrounds this year. We're also planning on a Music Video using a track from the Social Album which I think deserves more love than it's received so far, sadly.

Besides that, I've been busy enjoying summer all summer so music has been pretty on and off. BUT that doesn't mean I haven't been writing down ideas for your next ear meal. Got another album planned, gonna be a bit more agressive with the mix of chill (I mean I can never get rid of my chill vibe sro it'll always be there) or atleast that's how I'm hearing it in my head right now. There's no way you guys could hate on these tunes.

Finally, you all know I directed the Space episode and fully support @FlowDownStream, right? Well did you decode the hidden messages in that episode??? WELL I HOPE YOU DO! It's really simple to decode... Because it's just data from sound. All you neeeeed is a phone with a working microphone and an app.

Thanks Again,



Posted by sro - April 28th, 2018

Been working on this for the past months and grew a lot from it. The journey through making each track was very life changing to say the least because of how therapuetic it was. I hope you can find the same enjoyment and perspectives I've found from crafting this album.

Bandcamp/Spotify/Music Videos: http://hyperurl.co/5aq7in

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/s-r-o/sets/social


Posted by sro - March 3rd, 2018

Pretty Much everything that i've made for free is here: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sro/

You can download and use the songs on there in anything so long as credit is given.

Posted by sro - October 12th, 2017

Gonna give away free stuff real soon, be ON THE LOOK OUT.

Also released an album a month ago if you wanna check that out herehttps://sromuchsound.bandcamp.com/album/human-hemisphere or soundcloud.com/s-r-o